Naturalist Tour of Green Island

Sunday, June 12
9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

“Wick-y wick-y wick…tsweeeet tsweeeet!” Do you hear the calling of early summer in the air? It doesn’t get much clearer than at Green Island, where nature surrounds you. Explore just a portion of this thousand-acre property with the naturalist team of Peg Boulay and Bruce Newhouse. Many birds will be heard and seen on this tour – that’s a guarantee! Bring your optics along: binoculars and hand lenses (we’ll pass ours around to those who don’t have any), and cameras – you will need them all for the different kinds of life we’ll see: from the flowers and frogs at our feet, to the birds and butterflies above us. Expect to hike a mile or two on fairly flat ground.