Forest Care

Forest Care was protected in 2001 through a Working Forest Conservation Easement with McKenzie River Trust. The landowners donated the easement to permanently protect the area. The forest is managed by the landowners using a sustainable forestry management plan.

Conserving working lands offers opportunities to work holistically in service of the land, rivers, plants, animals, and people of our community.
Meet Forest Care
Preserving Working Lands
The Siuslaw River valley is characterized by mixed cattle grazing and forestland on the slopes of hills, with cattle grazing and farms on the surrounding field land. In this region, most forestland is privately owned by farmers, growing primarily Douglas-fir in even-aged plantations, though numerous naturally regenerated stands are still found in the drainages and areas not suitable for farm use. Larger forested tracts are owned by regional and national timber companies. Completing this checkerboard mosaic are blocks of public forestand of 40 acres and larger, managed by the Bureau of Land management.
The Forest Care Easement is a 90-acre working forest property located on the Siuslaw River southwest of the community of Lorane. The confluence of the North and South forks of the Siuslaw River is on the property. The river’s floodplain and riparian area comprise much of the acreage. Commercial stands of 40-55-year-old, high-quality Douglas-fir are mixed with big leaf maple, grand fir, western red cedar, and red alder along the flat floodplain. The hill on the east end of the property is dominated by uniform Douglas-Fir stands.
The property was clear-cut in the 1950s and has naturally regenerated to a diverse mix of hardwoods and conifers. The property was originally purchased by the landowner as a homesite from Weyerhaeuser Real Estate in 1976. Additional purchases from Transition Inc. and Burlington Northern brought the total acreage up to the current 90. Selective thinning of conifer began in 1982. A total of six harvests have been completed since the purchase, yielding a total of 366,000 board feet.
Protection of working forests through Conservation Easements ensures long-term timber production opportunities in the Pacific Northwest. Forest Care is managed through a sustainable forestry management plan that encourages stand diversity in both tree type and age class, selective harvesting approaches, and water-quality conscience practices.
Working Lands Supporting Wildlife
The Forest Care property y has a rich variety of biological resources. The premier resource on the property is the Siuslaw River, with its associated riparian area. A diversity of tree species and conditions, combined with the legacies of the old forest, provides a wide array of resources for wildlife. No rare or endangered species are known to exist on the property. The Oregon Department of Forestry has observed individual spotted owls in the area, but none are known to be within one mile of the property. Songbirds, owls, red-tailed hawks, and woodpeckers are commonly seen on the property. Other common animals include river otters, beaver, skunk, raccoon, and opossum. Forest edges and brushy young growth also contribute to good forage and cover for blacktail deer.