North Fork Bend

Size: 245 acres
Acquired: June 2024
Location: Siuslaw Watershed
How it was Protected:

North Fork Bend was protected in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy in Oregon (TNC). TNC acquired the property for conservation and transferred it to McKenzie River Trust in June 2024.

North Fork Bend builds on a network of conservation lands in the lower siuslaw river estuary.

Meet North Fork Bend

Why the area is important

North Fork Bend is in the heart of the lower North Fork Siuslaw River Estuary. Adjacent to other conservation lands, including Estergard and North Fork Marsh, its permanent protection builds on a network of lands that can benefit recovering salmon populations and contribute to climate resiliency in the region. Nearly 70% of Oregon’s outer coast wetlands have been lost. Protection projects like this one are a step forward in restoring critical wetlands habitats in the Siuslaw River estuary. 

Fish and wildlife on the property

Tidal wetlands support an abundance of plant and animal communities. In the lower Siuslaw River estuary, migratory salmon and steelhead rely on these areas to adjust between fresh and saltwater environments. Grasslands support shore and songbirds, and larger mammals, including elk and black bear, can be found foraging. 

Conservation Context

North Fork Bend is part of a 1,200-acre conservation complex in the lower Siuslaw River estuary. Building on adjacent lands, including Waite Ranch, Cox Island, and Estergard, the area provides an important opportunity to restore tidal wetlands for the benefit of the fish, wildlife, and people of the Siuslaw.