North Fork Marsh

Owned Property
In 2009, McKenzie River Trust purchased North Fork Marsh from the Wampler family who had a vision of seeing this place protected forever through conservation.

North Fork Marsh is one of the few undiked salt marshes along the lower North Fork of the Siuslaw River. This unaltered marsh provides habitat for native plant and wildlife species who rely on these areas.
Meet North Fork Marsh
North Fork marsh is a small and significant estuarine wetland property located near Florence Oregon on the North Fork Siuslaw River. The site encompasses nearly 3,200 feet of riverside banks on the North Fork Siuslaw River. The entire property is tidally influenced. Native tidal marsh plant communities dominate the site. A native shrub tidal wetland community and a small plot of old-growth spruce are located between the North Fork Siuslaw Road and the emergent marsh that comprises the majority of the site.

A Sanctuary for Salmon
North Fork Marsh was inventoried in the early 2000’s and documented as a high-priority conservation property by the Siuslaw Watershed Partnership. Historic use of the property by Coho Salmon, Chinook Salmon, Pacific lamprey and sea-run cutthroat trout has been documented, and present use is likely.
Through permanent protection, ongoing monitoring, and land stewardship, this special area ensures that the fish and wildlife habitat values of this area can remain available to these important fish species.