Wagner Creek


Size: 20
Acquired: December 2004
Location: Middle Fork Willamette Watershed
How it was Protected:

The Wagner Creek Conservation Easement was donated to McKenzie River Trust in 2004.

Meet Wagner Creek

Connecting Rural and Wild Places

Nestled in the hills along the Middle Fork Willamette Watershed, the Wagner Creek easement borders BLM timberlands. Across the landscape, seasonal rainfall spreads and drains, making its way into the Dexter Reservoir downslope. The mixed upland forests boast Douglas Fir trees nearing 100 years in age. Walking the area, the canopy opens into remnant prairie meadows which provide critical habitat to sensitive plant and animal communities. Sitting in the foothills of the Willamette National Forest, permanent protection of this special area connects private lands to national forest – carving a space for mammals including Roosevelt Elk, Black Bear, and Cougar to roam the spaces between rural and wild. 

Space to Move

The mixed upland forest provides refuge for sensitive species including the Northern Spotted Owl. Seasonal wetlands and drainages support amphibians including Red-Legged Frogs. In-tact prairies boast wildflowers, creating space for butterflies and birds to find food and rest. Protecting areas like Wagner Creek provide important migration pathways for animals to move through their natural ranges.