Restoring Finn Rock Reach
Finn Rock Reach Restoraiton Project News
KLCC, October 2021
Think Outloud, OPB September 2021
The Register-Guard September 2021
Eugene Weekly September 2021
KEZI News October 2020
The Register-Guard October 2020
A River Through Time
Throughout the pacific northwest, our rivers hold a dynamic legacy of pristine water, abundant salmon runs and breathtaking views. Throughout their history, these rivers, and the people who settled along their banks, have also shaped the west as we know it today. Before the railroad arrived in the early 1900’s, Oregon’s rivers served as the primary transportation route for timber and agricultural goods. By the 1940’s, the power of these wild rivers began to provide economic growth in the form of hydropower. Through the many events that have unfolded between colonization of the west by white settlers and the first Environmental Protection Act signed in 1970, people have re-shaped, and redefined what it means to be a wild river.

Photo Courtesy of Tim Giraudier- Beautiful Oregon

Restoring Rivers in the Upper Willamette Watershed
Since 2006, McKenzie River Trust has implemented dozens of river-based restoration projects. Each project addressed negative human impacts by allowing for more natural movement of water across the floodplain. These projects take place in areas where there will be no negative impacts to neighboring lands, commerce, or recreation and all include intensive hydrologic modeling and engineering before implementation. At Finn Rock Reach, our work is based on restoring riverine processes through following the model of a rivers natural lifecycle.
The Lifecycle of a River
Just like living creatures have lifecycles, rivers do too. As time progresses, rivers usually move through a multi-step process that takes place between large flood events. Here in the Pacific Northwest, the installation of dams has impacted our rivers’ ability to move through all of its natural “life” stages. That’s why at Finn Rock Reach, we’ll be implementing a stage based design that will replicate the impacts of a large flood, while containing the impacts to a smaller area where threatened and endangered species, including Spring Chinook Salmon, Western Pond Turtles, and Pacific Lamprey are present.

Powers PD, Helstab M, Niezgoda SL “A process-based approach to restoring depositional river valleys to Stage 0, an anastomosing channel network”. 2018
Restoration Project Goals
- Increase wetland areas and aquatic habitat
- Slow and spread water across the floodplain to
- improve nursery habitat for juvenile Spring Chinook salmon
- Increase nesting and rearing habitat for Western Pond Turtles
- Address stream erosion issues and reconnect the river and side channels to their historic floodplain
- Create space for water to dance across the landscape

Fire impacted floodplain at Finn Rock Reach
Finn Rock Reach Restoration Timeline
The Finn Rock Project will take place on land owned and managed by McKenzie River Trust. In June of 2021, McKenzie River Trust Staff, partners, and local contractors began the initial phase of the restoration process. The second and final phase of the project will take place during a salmon-safe window of time during the summer of 2023 with completion happening by the end of August 2023. Work will include temporary channel diversion, fish salvage, earthwork, large wood placement, and re-watering of the project area. Once the project is complete, we will invite community members to join in replanting efforts on-site through community days of caring and our Friends of Finn Rock Reach volunteer program.
Project Partners & Funders

Improvements Underway at the Finn Rock Boat Landing
Exciting changes are underway for the McKenzie River recreation community! Beginning in November 2023, McKenzie River Trust broke ground on a large-scale improvement project for the Finn Rock Boat Landing. Generously funded through the Oregon State Parks Recreational Trails and Permits grant program, investments from the Lane County Parks Levy, and the generous support of private donors, large and small; this project will have wide-reaching benefits for recreational river users and commercial outfitters alike.

Salmon Return to Revived McKenzie River Habitats
Chinook salmon making their way back up the McKenzie River have found more places to lay their eggs thanks to years of work restoring floodplains throughout the watershed.

Salmon Return to the McKenzie River Following Restoration at Finn Rock Reach
One year after devastating wildfires and a summer of unprecedented drought, the first Spring Chinook salmon have arrived at the spawning ground in the McKenzie River near the Finn Rock Reach restoration project to complete the cycle of life for this iconic species.

Making Space for Salmon at Finn Rock Reach
Floodplain restoration work at Finn Rock Reach more than doubles available spawning ground for Spring Chinook Salmon.
HabiChats! Presentation on Floodplain Restoration at Finn Rock Reach

Our beloved McKenzie River provides drinking water to more than 200,000 people and is a recreational centerpiece for our region. Its crystalline waters are considered the last stronghold for wild salmon in the Willamette River system. Both people and fish depend on its purity. The Homewaters Campaign was a community effort to fund the purchase, protection and stewardship of Finn Rock Reach and two miles of riverfront on the Middle McKenzie River.