Beginning Wednesday, October 17, 2018, McKenzie River Trust (MRT) and several local Silicon Shire technology companies will launch their annual Shire for the River campaign. The campaign will last through Friday, October 26.
Nine companies have, together, committed $12,268 in funds to match, dollar-for-dollar, any individual or business contributions made during this year’s campaign period. Businesses participating as this year’s matching fund sponsors include:
- MPulse Software
- Palo Alto Software
- SheerID
- Concentric Sky
- IDX Broker
- XS Media
- Twenty Ideas
- Lunar Logic, and
- Emberex.
Money raised will support MRT’s efforts to protect and care for rivers and riparian habitat in western Oregon.
Shire for the River will start with a Kickoff Happy Hour co-hosted by the Technology Association of Oregon (TAO) and XS Media on Wednesday, October 17, 2018, from 5-8 p.m. at Oakshire Public House, 207 Madison Street, Eugene, Oregon 97402.
Maintaining Our Quality of Life
Located in the southern Willamette Valley, the Silicon Shire encompasses technology businesses of all kinds that work together to expand the local infrastructure necessary to build and grow hi-tech business in the area, and to promote Eugene-Springfield as a hi-tech hot spot.
“Projects like the Shire for the River campaign help us to maintain and improve the terrific quality of life we enjoy in this special region. That’s one of our biggest assets, and it truly helps attract great talent and great companies to the area,” said Jason Johnson, MPulse Software president and MRT board member. “Shire companies are dedicated to ensuring that what makes this place so extraordinary will always be here.”
Over the past three years, the Shire for the River campaign has raised more than $50,000 for MRT. This year’s goal is to raise at least another $20,000 to continue McKenzie River Trust’s efforts to protect sensitive lands in the McKenzie watershed.
How You Can Participate
You can donate to the campaign by visiting the campaign website on Crowdrise, or by mailing a check to McKenzie River Trust, 120 Shelton McMurphey Blvd, Suite 270, Eugene, OR 97401. You can also donate over the phone by calling the McKenzie River Trust offices at (541) 345-2799.
Learn more on social media with the hashtag #ShireForTheRiver at:
- Twitter: @McKenzRivrTrust
- McKenzie River Trust Facebook page
- Instagram: @mckenzierivertrust