McKenzie River Restoration Planting at the South Fork Enhancement Project
Dig into conservation with the US Forest Service and McKenzie River Trust! We’ll be working to replant the South Fork enhancement area after the 2020 Holiday Farm Fire burned through the area. Completed in 2019 by the McKenzie Watershed Council, the South Fork enhancement project has already seen tremendous success. Help to restore this special area by replanting a riparian forest and wetlands!
Thursday, March 4th | 9:30am - 3:30am | Meet at Bruckart Boat Landing
Due to COVID-19, space is limited and pre-registration is required.

About the South Fork Enhancement Project
The South Fork Enhancment project was completed by the McKenzie Watershed Council and partners in 2019. The project site is located within the Cougar Creek-South Fork McKenzie River Sub-watershed. The project area encompasses the lower 4.2 miles of the South Fork McKenzie River from the base of Cougar Dam to the confluence with the McKenzie River and is approximately 780 acres in size.
It includes two large alluvial valleys, separated by a transport reach, with another transport reach right below cougar. Most of the project area is under USFS ownership, except for approximately 40 acres owned by the USACE. This comprehensive stream design is for approximately 4.2 miles of the lower South Fork McKenzie River.
This project is an important part of regional efforts to restore habitat for spring Chinook salmon and bull trout in the Willamette River Basin. The project is designed to rehabilitate to the maximum extent practicable the physical, chemical, and biological processes that are impaired by the Cougar Dam.