Celebrating 20 Years at Green Island

In 2023, McKenzie River Trust celebrated the 20th anniversary of the purchase of Green Island. This celebration gave us time to pause and reflect on the many hands who have helped us to put love into the land and the incredible story of how people came together to restore nearly a thousand acres of land where the McKenzie and Willamette rivers meet.

Art in Birds at Green Island

In the spring of 2021, local artists and bird enthusiasts Dennis Arendt and Shel Neal brought a little extra life to Tree Swallow bird boxes out at Green Island. Building on a decade long project to provide nesting habitat for this migratory bird, the 16 new painted boxes celebrate art and nature.

Reflections on Green Island

Your experiences at the 2015 Living River Celebration By Eric Alan, McKenzie River Trust member People’s experiences of the McKenzie River Trust’s annual Living River

Flushing for fish

Restoration of the gravel pits on Green Island is all about working with the water we have. You

Press Release: Living River Celebration

For Immediate Release Contact: Liz Lawrence Director of Resources llawrence@mckenzieriver.org 541-345-2799 McKenzie River Trust Hosts Living River Event Celebrating Green Island Conservation EUGENE, Ore. (June

Living River Celebration Showcases Green Island

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 20, 2013 Contact: Liz Lawrence Director of Resources, McKenzie River Trust 541-345-2799 or llawrence@mckenzieriver.org McKenzie River Trust Invites the Community to