From the Field

Young Farmers Grow at the Berggren Watershed Conservation Area

Adam and Kelly of Willow & Oak Farm and Barn Swallow Blossoms are currently in their first growing season at McKenzie River Trust’s Berggren Watershed Conservation Area, a property protected by MRT in 2010. This partnership between McKenzie River Trust and local farmers represents a unique cross-over between conservation efforts and sustainable agriculture.

Poems for the Planet

From the headwaters of the McKenzie River to quiet spaces inside each of us, McKenzie River Trust members share their poems for the planet as a part of our winter writers series.

Dearest McKenzie River

“Just as a snag in an old-growth forest continues to serve forest dwellers so will you continue to support those that depend upon you; the salmon, the elk, and others. Love doesn’t disappear with appearance.”

Giving Thanks for Land and Water

McKenzie River Trust is collecting love letters to the lands and rivers of Oregon. We invite you to join us in reflection and appreciation of all our natural world provides. From the mountains and coastlines, rivers and swamps, lands far away, and birds in the backyard, join us in honoring all that our natural world provides.

10 Backyard Birds to look for this Winter

As we hunker down for the darker days ahead, overwintering birds bring delight as they gather the seeds and bugs of fall to sustain them through the coming cold. Here’s our winter backyard bird list for you to enjoy!

Art in Birds at Green Island

In the spring of 2021, local artists and bird enthusiasts Dennis Arendt and Shel Neal brought a little extra life to Tree Swallow bird boxes out at Green Island. Building on a decade long project to provide nesting habitat for this migratory bird, the 16 new painted boxes celebrate art and nature.

Giving it Back to the River

McKenzie River Resident, Della Cantrell, finds closure through land conservation in the wake of the Holiday Farm Fire.